Venture VX is the first Venture Capital in the Metaverse that is Funded 100% NFT profits. We Provide all of our NFT holders Profit DIVIDENDS Airdrop with no gas fees. Venture VX community Vote and decide on Investment Strategies, Marketing budgets and Administrations.
The Characters in our NFT gallery represent real-life firm hierarchies of job positions. The higher your Job title is, the more Dividends you will get and the more voting powers you will be granted on the Board of Directors.
The NFTs in our gallery are priced differently per Rarity Rank. There are 4 Rarity Ranks that represent the different job positions and managerial titles in our VC.
The rarest nft in our gallery is called Reptilian, they are the top managers and there are only 8 of them. They are not for sale on public Mint. Holding a Reptilian will provide X10 voting powers , and X5 More Dividends (then Rarity Rank 1). Reptilians can lead Mergers, Takeovers, Collaborations with other projects, Sponsor Deals and much more.
Rarity 3 is called VP Howard, they are the CEO, CFO, VP Sales etc. VP Howard will be minted for 0.08 ETH on pre mint, and 0.2 on public mint. There are 500 in total, and only 25 will be sold on pre mint drop. Holding a VP Howard will provide X5 voting powers and x2.5 More Dividends. VP Howard holders can Propose Budgets, Investments, Manage all Board meetings.
Rarity 2 is Called Senior Hank they are mid-level management at Venture VX. Senior Hank nft will be minted for 0.06 ETH on pre mint, and 0.13 ETH on public mint. There are 2500 in total, and only 100 will be sold on pre mint drop. Holding a VP Howard will provide X3 voting powers, and X1.5 More Dividends. Senior Hank Holders do not lead investments themselves, but are typically visible at events, board meetings and workshops and vote in meetings.
The Lowest Rarity is called Junior Joe. They are low-level management at Venture VX. Junior Joe nft will be minted for 0.04 ETH on pre mint, and 0.09 ETH on public mint. There are 6992 Joe’s in total, and only 200 will be sold on pre mint drop.Junior Joe nft holders can only Vote in meetings.
All meetings are held in Discord