Unimpressed Geisha is a handcrafted art collection of digital characters developed by female artist Zuzu Galova. Each character represents a story to be discovered in the universe of Unimpressed Geisha. To dive into our storytelling, you have to enter through the Chashitsu Tea House first.
Make sure not to miss the mint, because the first minters of Unimpressed Geisha NFTs will get a bonus of $matcha tokens giving you the option to get some IRL rewards. Also, a growing stash of $matcha is not all. Each Geisha has a sister. The rumour is that one day, she will show up, too. As a free NFT mint.
A story to be told
Once upon a time, there was a girl. Her name was Izumi. All her life she was forced to be someone she didn't want to be. She was struggling. Constantly finding herself being pushed around as if she belonged to someone else. The world was denying her what she wanted all the time. One day she found a little tea house and instantly walked in. The old lady inside saw her struggle and gave her a potion of warm matcha. "Drink this. It will give your soul the medicine it needs." Izumi drank a whole cup of dark green potion. Its taste, greenish and fresh, felt like sipping magical alchemy. Suddenly, something inside her was changing. As the warm matcha found its way to her veins, heart, and soul, she discovered a new feeling. Solid as a stone, clear as a mountain spring, there was it - unshakeable confidence at her core.
She stepped out, back to the street. She felt different. As if someone filled her soul with new energy. And new powers. All of a sudden, she could be whatever she wanted to be.
Your confidence is your super-power
Why? Because she believed in herself. And that is the most important thing. Inspired by her confidence. Nothing else. Not anyone's expectations. Not the peer pressure. Not any customary habits. Not anyone's ideas about her life. Being who she really wants to be.