The Dodo’s Quest is a story-based collection of up to 12,000 unique dressed up Dodos NFT. Designed specifically to link the NFT world with the real world, The Dodo’s Quest takes participants on an epic treasure hunt to find six Golden Dodos hidden somewhere across the world. The event will take place both online and offline, thereby creating an NFT treasure hunt the world has never seen before.
Each NFT will serve as an access ticket to a giant treasure hunt to take place next year.
The total value of prizes in The Dodo’s Quest is quite significant, with more than $500,000 USD to be won. Main prizes will consist of six Golden Dodos statues, set with precious stones and created by a professional sculptor, and hidden across the world (one per continent, Antarctica excluded). Each Golden Dodo will be worth at least $50,000, but can be worth much more, depending on the royalties that the project will earn from the resale of the NFT tokens.
The secondary prizes will consist of six Silver Statues, set with precious stones. These statues will not be physically hidden, and the treasure hunt will take place online, meaning every participant will be able to find them from the comfort of their home. Each Silver Dodo will be worth at least $25,000, but can also be worth much more depending on royalties. Winners will also receive a unique and epic NFT linked to the statue they have found.