TaurosDAO is a community of Artists & Collectors founded by Labyrinthine Unreal. For purposes of governance and membership privileges, members must hold at least one TAUROS Card. There are three types of Cards: OG, Archon, and Guardian.
A set amount of all future assets by Labyrinthine Unreal and TaurosDAO are initially airdropped randomly to members, according to the rate below:
OG: 50%
Members receive all other membership perks regardless, regardless of card type (such as, pass for all private or ticketed events and sales, governance, artist and collector benefits, etc). A part of Merca City game tokens will also be distributed to all TAUROS holders. The rest will be distributed to Estate owners based on tasks completed and/or time spent in the game. Those who own both a Card and an Estate will receive a weapon specific to their rank in Merca City. These are the only weapons of their kind, and each has a special power appropriate to OGs, Archons, or Guardians.