Rekt Rabbits are a collection of 6969 Unique Rekt Rabbits that will be living on the Solana Blockchain. The reason we chose to launch on Solana is simple, to REKT NFT GAS PRICES as well as the fact that Solana has a much smaller carbon footprint than Ethereum. Most Projects with this type of art would have chosen Ethereum, however we felt it was important to do our part to try and reduce the carbon footprint of our Nfts, and the impact they can have on our environment.
In a Web3 world full of apes, white list spots, and people grinding for days to hopefully get a chance at a whitelist spot, REKT RABBITS have decided we will not have WL spots, so no grinding in hopes of getting a spot. This assures EVERYONE an equal chance to mint, and join our Community. Our team decided that is the best way to build a solid Foundation organically. Being Parents ourselves, Family is important to us. That being said, REKT RABBITS is focused on building our own FAMILY thru the community, while also cutting down on the carbon footprint!
Rekt Rabbits will launch Our own merch line, including Hats, Hoodies, Tee Shirts, Beanies and several other options! NFT HOLDERS will also have the opportunity to have their ACTUAL REKT RABBIT on their Hoodies and Tee Shirts!!! This will be available prior to launch!
We plan to donate to various non-profit charitable organizations. As a holder, these are all things that you will have a voice in voting for. How awesome would it be to donate to WorldWildLife, and say we helped REKT the Pygmy Rabbits chances of becoming Extinct? The Pygmy Rabbit is just one of the Breeds of Rabbits that are on the endangered species list. Donating to the ASPCA to help REKT animal cruelty? Donating to Onetreeplanted to say we helped REKT the depletion of Our Forests? Donations to the World RainForest Organization, to Help REKT the Elimination of the RainForest. These are just some of the organizations that Rekt Rabbits would love to be able to help out that ALL would help not only Our environment, but also animals.
Aside from what we would like to do for Charitable Organizations, Rekt Rabbits will also have a community wallet, which will be utilized for future Rekt Rabbits endeavors to benefit holders, whether it's thru a Rewards system where you would gain Solana just for holding, or Giveaways to the community. We want to be sure to Reward our Holders every step of the way!
Feel free to join us on this journey and grab your Rekt Rabbits on mint day!!!! This is not the REKT RABBITS roadmap, but more of a Mission statement to help You better understand who we are, and what we are about.