Poly Duckz is a playground for 9999 ducks on the Polygon Blockchain. Each duck is Unique and programmatically generated from 180 Traits. They Love Parties, Vapes and Glasses so decided to live with Human Beings . Get a duck from our limited NFT collection to guarantee your seat to exclusive Giveaways, Merch, Parties. Stay Calm , Stay Humble! Don't miss the Gold Ones Only 9999 Poly Duckz will ever exists, get yours now. https://linktr.ee/polyduckz ERC 721 - Verified Contract : https://polygonscan.com/address/0xdb348f248091c41473a630a6ff6c10acc158d22f Rarity Rankings : https://rarityranks.io/project/poly-duckz
good project