A Game Theory & Risk-Based Blockchain Economy derived from the fable, Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf. Launching on Immutable X, the layer 2 for NFTs with NO GAS.
Pigs.game is a risk and game-theory based blockchain economy derived from the fable Three Little Pigs and The Big Bad Wolf launching gas-free on Immutable X – the Layer 2 for NFTs. We’ll start off by launching the real-estate or land of our P2E game first, called ‘Barns’ – these NFTs are priced very affordably. The Gen 0 launch of Pigs and Wolves follows the launch of Barns. Each barn, piggie, and wolf is procedurally generated and has its own set of traits, rarity and appeal. All of the 250+ unique traits were lovingly hand drawn by our resident artist, Knight_Wind. All of these barns, and gen 0 NFTs will feature in our P2E game.