The OsmiumDAO ecosystem will be an entirely community owned project with the aim of providing a suite of values to its members otherwise known as DAO participants. OsmiumDAO will be a community driven investment unit where all members/participants decide and vote on certain investment
opportunities of which upon consensus, such investments will be taken upon with treasury funds (otherwise known as DAO funds) and all proceeds from such investments, will be used for further development of the DAO as well as incentivizing its members. This will be governed and managed by people around the world who hold the OsmiumDAO native token ($OSM) and the community membership card (NFT) through a democratic on-chain system of governance. The project will leverage already existing open source DAO tools to implement all its governance structure which include public multi sig wallet to manage community funds, multi sig wallet to hold and manage $OSM token emission, decentralized on chain voting and implementation mechanism and other DAO specific management elements. The OsmiumDAO community will form the basis for short, medium, and long term investment strategy. It will initially commence as an investment unit on Cardano and eventually extend to all other blockchains as suggested by the community. Presumably, OsmiumDAO will control a multi-sig wallet on different blockchains, centralized exchanges and other market options
decided by the pioneers. Proceeds from all such investments will be used to further develop the DAO and or reward participants through $OSM tokens buyback, governance reward, airdrops, incentivized community events etc. all of which will be decided by pioneers. Investment options includes but not limited to:
A) Preseed and seed sales, IDO, ICO, IEO, ISPO.
B) Long term token holding.
C) DEFI staking, yield and participation in liquidation markets (CDP protocols).
D) Stocks.
E) NFTs.
F) Running blockchain validator nodes
G) Arbitrage (among others)
I) Product development
All investment options and decisions will be vetted and handled by pioneers through a sound distributed governance mechanism. The OsmiumShares OG NFT will allow holders to participate in our Working Groups, offering the opportunity to receive $OSM in exchange for performing various tasks. The opportunity always exists to grow with the project and realize your own dreams, as any proposal will be temp checked and voted on by the owners of the treasury and the project – the community. Lastly, OsmiumDAO will be a blockchain education and knowledge sharing hub for new entrants to cryptocurrency, help new traders understand the crypto market and how to manage risks and maximize returns.