A renowned scientist of the Mutant Cartel stumbled upon a discovery… That excessive consumption of the highly-addictive Serum had corrosive long-termeffects on Mutant Apes. To avoid widespread panic he kept his findings secretand dedicated his time to finding an antidote - Project Serum was born. As desperation crept in, he began experimenting more radically with the Serum on himself and the Hounds around him. Caleb disappeared and any evidence of Project Serum with it, until recently, where strange sightings and stories have developed near the Mutant Hideout. That story, the story of how the Mutant Hounds came to be, is now ready to be told… USPs: - Lore-based NFT that starts the storytelling saga of the Mutant Hounds - Sister project to the Mutant Cartel - Access to the Mutant Cartel community - Access to our Community Hub & Commerce Platform - Access to access, discounts, and future exclusives onthe Mutant Fence - IRL and digital events - Access to future Mutant Hounds collections - Participate in our lore and guide the course of the story -Leverage your IP