
MetaColonialists Club

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About MetaColonialists Club

Welcome to the Club! MetaColonialists are one of the most powerful communities in the NFT world. We have gathered the mightiest crypto enthusiasts, crypto investors, celebrities, NFT holders and businessmen from the most popular projects together in order to create joint projects among the community. We are gaining momentum with each day and our final goal is the Metaverse! We have prepared our roadmap, where we have written down all of stages of our project in greater detail in order for you to be able to see our progress in real time!   0% Community Formation Introducing you to our Space fam. Our main target is to build a close-knit Colony family, present our values, and give benefits to dedicated Colonialists. 5% Unlocking first 2 rooms in MetaMuseum We welcome you into the MetaColonialists' enchanting Museum. You will never forget this place once you've been there. Now you can visit "History Room (early unreleased renders)+" and "Fan-Art" rooms out of the 16 total rooms. 10% AR Launch and Competition Are you ready to see our Colonialists walking around the street next to your friends? Try out AR filters for TikTok and Instagram. Competition for the best video with our filter! Prizes valuing a total worth of $ 20,000! 25% Exclusive Rewards and Colony Merch Launch We are releasing our first 500 pieces of Colony merch. Random 176 NFT holders will receive exclusively designed pieces. 40% Legendary NFT Unlocking the 3rd "Legendary Room" in MetaMuseum. Releasing 15 Legendary MetaColonialists NFT's to OpenSea! 50% Sending unique ART PIECES Everyone who has held our NFTs for more than one month will receive exclusive gifts from our 3D artist Nick Samushonok. Moreover, holders and OG members will receive a package in their mail with a Personal Colony Membership Card. You can use it the future to participate in events. 60% $100,000 Grant for Holders We are launching an entrepreneur competition. All our NFT holders can share their ideas on how to make MetaColonialists a leader of the whole NFT market. The best idea will be sponsored with a grant of $100,000 and the winner will get access to project promotions. 75% Grand Opening of our MetaMuseum All two floors of our MetaMuseum are ready for Colony visitors! You will find here a huge staircase leading to the 2nd floor and huge MetaColonialists in full height. 16 thematically designed rooms with presentations of all our 8.,888 NFT's. 100% Grand Space Fam Party We'll make a world tour! Our NFT holders will vote and choose 3 different cities where we'll throw themed official events and private parties with dress-codes. As well as after-parties with the best DJ's and celebrities' on board. Coming soon raffle Rare NFTs… We is the FUTURE that has already arrived. Come with us.

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