The founder Of MafiaPanda Club Collection, Is One Of The Early Mutant Ape Yacht Club Investor. For Those who already know us, it is no secret that we are an experienced team with great knowledge of the NFT and Crypto World.
We want to create a community for MPC Holder to have access to a community members with NFT Experts and large investors. This is the best environment for those who want to significantly increase their income and wealth.
1 Floor Sweeps to Secure Our Early Investors:25% Mint ETH will Periodically Floor Sweep to maintain the floor price Above Minting Price.We want to ensure our early MafiaPanda Holder to be profitable.
2. Weekly Potential 10X NFT Recommendation:
We use tools to Monitor NFT Whales to find out trending Potential 10X NFT Project.
As BAYC and MAYC OG Investor, Our team knows how to invest potential NFT Project at Early Stage.
3. 50% – SOLD:
All MafiaPanda Holder get put in a raffle for 2 x Killer GF NFT
MafiaPanda must be listed above 0.5E to qualify for raffle
4. 100% – SOLD OUT:
All MafiaPanda get put in a raffle for 1 x MAYC NFT
MafiaPanda must not listed for sell or be listed above 0.5E to qualify for raffle