Each of the 6969 Lil Degens offers a unique perspective into the life of a degen. These lil degens are not only our web3 counterparts, but a true expression of who we are as people and our individuality in web2 and web3.
Join Mischief and the Misfits’ journey from a road trip gone wrong, to the exploration of a town of unknowns as you climb through the ranks of the Hall of Degeneracy in hopes of leaving your mark in degenerate history.
Sit back and watch. . . or use $DYOR & the Degen Naming Service (DNS) to name your degen and create YOUR Lil Degens lore to be a part of the story in its entirety!
We are the visioneers, the weirdos, the innovators, the misfits. We are the culture!
If not us – then who?
There’s a Lil Degen in all of us!
visioneers is not a word