The project follows the adventure of merchant Oryain who wandered upon a sacred village, home of the ????♀️4,444 waifu villagers ????♀. Don’t let their beauty fool you as they are also fierce warriors. Each of them has a name and history that the NFT owners get to decide what those are.
As the story develops, these waifu warriors will transform and their fates will be determined by the action of the NFT owners. The storyline consists of five chapters with the fifth chapter letting the holders get involved and decide the outcome of the story.
⚔️ Type: anime style, PFP
⚔️ Supply: 4,444
⚔️ Mint Date: TBA
⚔️ Mint Price: Free mint
⚔️ Premint: https://www.premint.xyz/idamura/