Nostalgic Nftz has been founded by Adam who has been in the NFT space for quite some time now. He is a holder of various NFTs from prominent NFT projects such as Degen toons, CubeX, Sneakerheads, 200keys and Hexgo amongst others. He has been building his project and perfecting his vision for over 7 months now and is finally getting ready to launch his genesis collection. Using the network he has built, he has already filled over 1000 plus WL spots to prominent projects and alpha groups such as Hexgo, Vegens, PGodjira, and La Muete amongst many others for just the genesis collection which is going to be less then 1500 in size.
Hana No Hata is the Genesis collection from the entire ecosystem which is being built by Nostalgic Nftz. Hana No Hata is Japanese and translates to “flowery flags”. This name has been chosen due to the artwork of this collection. The art work is based on representing the flags of countries in the form of flowers. This will mean, either the flower itself will have the colors of the flag or the background will have most of the colors.
The goal of the project is to bridge the gap between web3 and IRL. This is going to be achieved through the various utilities which are going to be provided as well as the artwork of each collection.
The artwork of each collection will be a nostalgic journey of art done in our young days and will have a direct connection with each of us. These may be drawings which we did at home, at a friends house or at school. The artwork in each collection will keep on getting better until it reaches the stage where it will be suitable enough to be put in art events.
The utilities of each collection will keep adding and building to the ecosystem which is being planned. The vision is to create such an ecosystem which will become self-reliant and holders will become actual stake holders and can expect to receive amply in return for their support. Holders can expect both web3 related utilities as well as real-life and tangible utilities.
The utilities of the genesis collection, Hana No Hata, are just a glimpse of what holders can expect and are downgraded in comparison to the future collections. This is to help holders understand what they can expect from the project and the team.
The utilities of Hana No Hata are: