A community driven project of 6969 randomly generated highly chewy NFTs on ethereum. Each Gummies gives holders tasty access to future releases and grants you entry to the Gummies Gang! Over 169+ traits all gummies are fun and unique.
Develop the Gummies Council
Gummies gang is community driven! Proposals and initiatives will be voted and decided on by the gang! A community wallet will be created - 15% of mint and secondary sales! Create exclusive merchandise for Gummies holders and run IRL events!
Future Gummies Drop
FutureGummies Council can decide on established artists to collaborate with and watch the Gummies Gang grow!
Gummies Studios
Create indie games - Gummies can be playable characters!
Collaborate with established publishers to incorporate Gummies
Gummies Holders:
Ω Highly Gummy PFP
Ω Gummies Brand Merchandise - Plushies, hoodies and more!
Ω Comic Book Release Ft.Gummies Gang!
Ω Art Extensions - 3D Gummies, Animations ++!
Ω Collectively help the community and grow the future of Gummies Kingdom!