We are the Galactic Goats, 5555 explorers in a magical Universe full of wonders.
Mint price 0.1sol.
We are here for art, for adventure, for connecting storytellers, artists, all wizards, all creators of goodness.
Galactic Goats are building NFT comics publishing house, gamified platform for co-creation of optimistic and fantastic stories and amazing art, which will bring more goodness and adventure into life.
Together we can create more fantastic things, than anybody could even imagine individually. Everyone has story to tell, even short one, your story is relevant for the World. In Galactic Goats Universe you have place for all your optimistic fabulous dreams.
Galactic Goats will take you on a journey across the Universe.
Mint date and time: 08/28 20:20 UTC .
Mint link will be on twitter.
Wonders of the Universe are everywhere, if you choose to see it.
Mighty center of the spinning Galaxy bless you all!