Edge of Fusion is a play-to-earn and NFT project that takes its place on the Ethereum blockchain with an original and unique design produced and published by the corporate company Metawizart.io.
The project and characters are individually crafted for the owner with the latest technology. Edge of Fusion characters go through highly detailed procedures on 3D software and have unique features such as colored ears, noses, faces, and different stylized entities.
The Edge of Fusion game and NFT project will be produced in 4 phases and will be broadcast on the ERC721A network.
Phase 1 (artificial intelligence) 1,000 unique and high rare AI NFTs made with AI.
Phase 2 10,000 unique and highly rare 2D NFTs.
Phase 3 10,000 unique and highly rare 3D NFTs.
Phase 4 web3 play-earn metaverse game.
1.2.3.stages ready and on ERC721A network with smart contracts.It will be released in stages.All projects support each other and when the game project comes to life, it will offer special opportunities to its owners.