you’ve probably heard of us already, we had great success in the last collection, we achieved 50+ sales in a matter of days … then the copyright problems I had, I saw to reinvest the money earned, to recreate the nft, by inserting a graphic designer and a social manager in the team, and creating a specific smart contract, without using the standard opensea one!
however, if you’ve never heard of us, I’ll tell you what it is.
I started this new project with the aim of ousting the usual pixelarts from the charts of the most popular NFTs. It’s a collection of 10,000 NFTs, which is 10,000 very nice crypto badges. The collection will be updated daily, as 10 NFTs a day will be listed, so as to create deflation, so that we can all make money, both you and me. The starting price is only 0.001 eth which allows you to not lose any money, this collection can only skyrocket! Now let’s talk about business, until 2% of the collection is sold, by purchasing an NFT, you will get one for free; another way to get great cryptobad is to get 10 of your friends to join the server, this promotion will be available until Cryptobad 5% sale. Obviously, buying an NFT from the collection will give you access to the vip area of the cryptobad community, so together with the other supporters you will have the opportunity to increase the rarity of our cryptobads, just let more people know our idea, because remember, the more demand increases, the more our NFTs will increase their rarity.
1 ・ The beginning of everything.
Cryptobad is a project born from an idea that jumped into my head about a month ago; I was surfing the internet, discovering new NFT projects, and that’s where it all started; let’s say that I had noticed a certain similarity between the various most famous collections, all pixelart or monkeys or characters attributable to the very famous Cryptopunks. So I thought, why not try to overturn the common idea of people? My goal was to break out of the box, do something unusual. So from this starting point I started to think of something nice that could please young geeks like me, from there the idea of creating a collection of 10,000 cryptobads all different from each other began, inserting a sort of random component, now I’ll explain better. To make people curious and create a bit of hype, I didn’t choose to list all 10,000 nft immediately, but I decided to insert 10 a day, so that no one can know what awaits us the following day, and that’s it. goes to attract the curiosity of the public.
2 ・ Creation.
So a little later I immediately tried my hand at creation, so as not to waste time and risk someone somehow stealing the idea from me. I started studying various color combinations and styles, so that in addition to the project, there is also another important component behind it. In fact, the possible buyer will not simply have to buy a random NFT, but can follow two paths, or take the one that meets his tastes the most, or think in a macroscopic way and think about the combination that could be more successful.
3 ・ Community.
After the creation, I decided to start spreading the word, to make this project known to as many people as possible, in order to extend our community far and wide. In doing so, more and more people have begun to approve of this “revolution”.
4 ・ Cost decision.
I subsequently decided to insert a very low cost for each NFT, precisely because my goal is not to earn billions, but to expand the community and express my ideals to all. Obviously, to fully become part of the project and to have access to the VIP environment, you need to buy at least one nft, with a symbolic cost of 0.001 eth, at today’s price of around 2 euros (at the moment you are reading this message, the value in euro corresponding to 0.001 eth, could have either gone down or gone up).
. Launch of the project
The project is launched gradually, in fact we will list 10 NFTs per day.
. Advertising
The second step will be to advertise the collection on various social networks, instagram, twitter, discord, telegram, facebook and reddit.
. Promo
Until 2% of the collection is sold, by purchasing an NFT you will receive one for free.
. Second promo
Until 5% of the collection is sold, by letting 10 people join the discord server, you will receive a free nft.
. Giveaway
Once 100 sales are reached, there will be a giveaway of 10 NFTs on our social networks.
. Second giveaway
Once 100 members are reached on the discord server, there will be a 10 NFT giveaway.
. Personalized merchandise
Once we reach 1,000 sales, we will launch an online store that will sell cryptobad-themed sweaters and sweatshirts.
. Mega Giveaway
Once 5,000 sales are reached, there will be a 100 NFT mega giveaway.
. Collaborations
Once we reach a good popularity we will collaborate with the greatest exponents of NFT, so that we can climb the heights and conquer the NFT world. THE VALUE OF CRIPTOBAD WILL GO TO THE STARS.
You may be rightly wondering why you should buy this nft, I’ll explain right away.
As I explained to you in the “history” section, a fundamental random component is included in this collection, I’ll explain:
The nft are published daily, but I have not decided on a fixed time, so they can be published at any time.
it is not known what properties the NFTs that will come out daily will have.
Precisely from these reasons, you can make a profit, since if the collection were to be very successful, the 10 nft listed every day, will be sold in a few seconds or minutes, so you who are the owner of some nft, you can decide to put them for sale at a higher price, perhaps double, and this is where the profit comes.
A user asked me a very clever question “the buyer might decide to wait until the next day and buy it”, but it doesn’t, as this is where the random component comes into play.
The buyer will not have the certainty of being able to buy an NFT, since they are published at a random time, and he will not even know if the style of the cryptobads published will be to his liking. It is precisely at this point that the interested party will still decide to purchase the NFT at a higher price.
In fact, it is in the interest of all members of the community to make this project grow, as the more people learn about it, the more our cryptobads will acquire value. Also because if the collection were to go viral, I could decide to increase the starting price, by doing so we will earn both you and me.
So what are you waiting for? Be part of the community!