We want to make NFTs with a cheap price and with the commynity. Because this, everybody can create NFTs without MetaMask, gas fees or anything after we sold 25%. But how this feature will work??? You can download the ring on our site, and then it's your time!!! Create what you want and send it to our email with your wallet adress. After that, we'll upload your NFT on a special collection and send you 75 of the 100 NFTs to your wallet on Polygon. We will own the other 25 NFTs and sell them. The sells from our NFTs go to us. The sell from your go 100% to you (We won't add a creator Fee)!!!
Submit for presale if you wan't to buy 2 NFTs or more: https://forms.office.com/r/qnDAty5QuR
Giveaway link: https://forms.office.com/r/trd15CBGRE