Cardano Island Small Plot Mint (30 September – 4 October 2022) Cardano Island is the first crypto island on Virtua Prime – and the Cardano community’s true home in the metaverse – where you can purchase land, interact, explore, build, and socialise with other members of the Cardano community. Cardano Island Condos and Large land plots are already sold out, but some Small and Medium plots are still available for minting! The FREE NFT reward for minting a Small plot between Friday 30 September and Tuesday 4 October is a Cardano Air Force (CAF) Manta (one NFT per plot minted), making you an elite Cardano Island Aviator! Project Description: Cardano Island is the first crypto island on Virtua Prime – and the Cardano community’s true home in the metaverse – where you can purchase land, interact, explore, build, and socialise with other members of the Cardano community. Cardano Island Condos and Large land plots are already sold out, but some Small and Medium plots are still available for minting! The FREE NFT reward for minting a Medium plot between Friday 30 September and Tuesday 4 October is a Cardano Air Force (CAF) Bull Shark (one NFT per plot minted), making you an elite Cardano Island Aviator!