Ayumi Squad is an on-chain NFT project consisting of 3500 female avatars inspired by Japanese pop culture. Each Ayumi is uniquely generated and features up to 10 traits with 70+ assets.
Our goal is to create a high-quality and hand-drawn project with focus on long-term value and utility for holders. We also aim to incentivize an exceptional community around Ayumi Squad.
50% of ETH proceeds from secondary sales will be dedicated to funding the project’s future development.
Exclusive Merch*
An official, member-exclusive Ayumi Squad merch line will be released after launch! We plan to accept ETH.
Genesis Manga*
We plan to collaborate with other artists in the NFT space to write and draw an Ayumi Squad Manga.
Free NFTs*
Ayumi holders will be able to claim a free pixel Ayumi NFT (with generated traits) for each Ayumi they hold!
Bullish on the Metaverse*
We plan to support and integrate Ayumi Squad with the Metaverse for improved utility and more long-term value.